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U.S. Medical Licensing Examination is the mandatory clause that has to be removed by medical aspirants who wish to pursue and practice medicine in the United States of America. Indian Students who want to do a Residency program in the USA have to get themselves prepared and ready to clear the USMLE. The preparation and learning methodologies may be a long process, but with the correct guidance and support, it can be successfully removed with flying colors. USMLE preparation is said to be challenging year after year. This is owing to the fact that the clearance of USMLE is the first and foremost entry to start practicing medicine in the US. This factor makes it all the more compelling for medical graduates to find seamless ways to pass the examination.
USMLE examination
The curriculum offered at TAU aligns with the clearance of the United States Medical Licensing Examination. When you do a Residency program in the USA from Texila American University, it is a similar way to help you clear the USMLE. The capability of an individual to clear the exam varies according to the level of comprehension and the preparation methods they use. It is best advised to start preparing for the examination in the earlier stages of the medical program, as you will be more transparent and more confident with the fundamental concepts that are being taught.
Time required to prepare for each USMLE exam
Based on surveys undertaken among the students, the preparation time that is calculated at an average for Step 1 is 6-12 months and for Step 2 is 4-7 months. It is an undeniable fact that each individual has different abilities and capabilities, and the prep time varies accordingly. This depends on the strength and weaknesses of the candidate in the core subject matter, and the duration required depending on their study patterns, style, fluency, Time available, and the foundation knowledge of the subjects.
It is reported that most students underestimate the time that is required for the best preparation. They tend to think that a limited time would suffice for the same depending on a piece of advice from their seniors who completed the exam years ago. But the critical factor to be noted here is that the USMLE exam has been getting more challenging every year, and the expectations have also risen for the same. The varied medical specialties that are now available and the demand for them have been growing in leaps and bounces. The average score that is required to be considered competitive and fit for the exam has also increased over the years.
To prepare for the exam, you should take the exam as Programs will also check on how many times you have taken it. Candidates who have made multiple attempts may not be considered for the program. Another critical factor is that you cannot reattempt an already cleared exam for a higher score. This means that you have to be prepared to achieve the exam in a minimum number of attempts and also remove them with a good score. For personalized assistance in your residency application, visit Residency Application Services and start your journey to a strong medical career with confidence.
Optimum Time to attempt Step 1 of USMLE:
When you start a residency program in the USA, it is best recommended to begin preparing for the exam simultaneously. The sooner, the better! This is because the fundamental concepts taught during the initial stages of the Residency program make it easier for USMLE preparation. Students have reported that they could find it easier and more convenient to recall the then-learned concepts to help clear the examination. Ideas like behavioral science, US epidemiology, and integrated clinical vignettes might be new and inexperienced to students who have done the program outside the US. Such topics might not have been a part of the school curriculum, so students might need extra time to cover these chapters. Some may not be accustomed to an 8-hour computerized exam and hence may require additional time to provide their undivided attention to it.
A student ready to appear for the exam must have a firm and strong understanding of the subject matter, the capability to integrate the acquired knowledge over varied disciplines, apply the same inputs across clinical vignette questions, and the willpower and willpower stamina to overcome the 8-hour exam duration. Such hurdles require the platform of diligent practice to excel in the exam.
Optimum Time to attempt Step 1 of USMLE:
The Residency program in the USA will provide you with the fundamental concepts of medicine that will help you clear Step 1 of USMLE easily. Preparing and planning months in advance is better to avoid any last-minute anticipation that may affect your performance. It is considered optimum to take Step 2 of the USMLE examination by the end of May and complete the test appointments at least three months in advance. A note should also be made that test results may take two to four months to be notified. Hence planning and being prepared beforehand is the best advisory.
Tips to help you ace the USMLE

Scheduling and Keeping Up The preparation schedule that will put you on the path to better comprehension has to be set by you based on your ability and grasping power. Once you draft a plan for yourself, be sure to adhere to and paced to it. Consistency is key to keeping up and finishing even when you fall behind. The schedule, when paired with ample Time for preparation, can help you avoid any delays caused due to undesirable and unexpected circumstances. An early start will help you learn things better and faster and feel less stressed.
- Know the Scoring System
The Step 2 examination takes into account your fluency in the language and your choice of words, spontaneity, and ability to address the patients with care and poise. A checklist is maintained to grade your performances and evaluated based on your interpretation of the medical skills learned. They take into account the proper use of medical terminology, assess your findings, and detail the documentation of the patient. Indian medical students are known to excel and possess extensive knowledge in all these aspects, yet many find the exam a bit on the stricter side to clear.
- Right Resources
There are no specific resources that will put you straight on the path to exam clearance. The way to select the best and right resource depends on the learning style and level of comprehension that you possess. An excellent way to find the right help would be to try studying the same topic from different ones and see which style suits your preference the best. Once chosen, stick to the same to avoid confusion in learning methods. Command over the subject matter will eventually grow when you put maximum effort and Time while preparing for the exam.
- Mixed Topic Learning
Switch between topics often for you to learn all the aspects of the subject at ease. It will also make you feel less monotonous and augment your ability to think and comprehend with flexibility. Complex topics have to be covered initially as you will have more time to try interpreting what they mean. As a medical graduate, your brain has to be prepared for an intellectual marathon, and hence, an early and mixed learning methodology is most recommended.
When you start a Residency Program in the USA, the USMLE preparation can be done parallelly and simultaneously. Every medical aspirant wishing to practice in the US must clear the USMLE to be licensed. Indian medical students who want to gain this licensure can improve their knowledge of fundamental concepts, seek help from authorized training centers, and get guidance from their program faculty and industry experts. When you choose to do a medical program at Texila American University, you will get all the assessment training required to seamlessly clear the USMLE.